School Rules
A. General Conduct
A1 |
Students who are Singapore Citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the pledge. Students will take the pledge with the right fist placed over the heart. |
A2 |
All students should sing the school song with pride. |
A3 |
Proper decorum must be observed during all-school assemblies and functions. |
A4 |
All students should be considerate and show care and concern for others at all times. Any acts of aggression, use of vulgarity, and/or attempts to cause hurt to others physically or emotionally will be dealt with strictly. |
A5 |
Students should not bring toys, game cards or any valuable items that distract them from learning. Such items will be confiscated if used during lessons and will only be returned to parents/guardians. |
A6 |
Students should be mindful of their behaviour in public places and should exercise social responsibility. |
A7 |
Students in school, attire should not loiter and/or cause a disturbance at public places such as shopping malls, MRT stations, void decks or playgrounds etc. |
A8 |
Students in school attire should not loiter and/or cause disturbance at public places such as shopping malls, MRT stations, void decks or playgrounds etc. |
B. School Property
B1 |
Students should take care of school property and premises. Defacing or damaging any school property is considered vandalism |
C. Attendance and Punctuality
C1 |
Attendance in school is compulsory. Students are expected to attend school, classes, CCA and other school activities punctually as required. Absence from classes, CCA and other school activities without valid reasons will be treated as truancy. |
C2 |
Absence from school, activities must be substantiated by a medical certificate (MC) issued by a certified medical practitioner. The MC must be submitted to the Form Teacher and CCA teacher-in-charge (where applicable) when the student returns to school. |
C3 |
Letters from parents/guardians may be considered on a case-by-case basis in cases where MCs are not applicable. |
C4 |
All students are required to be at the designated reporting areas and be ready for the flag-raising ceremony by 7:30 am. Any student who is not with his/her class at the time of the ceremony is considered late. A student who is frequently late for school without any valid reasons will be penalised in his/her conduct grade. |
C5 |
No students are to leave the school premises during school hours without permission. |
C6 |
Students attending activities (including CCA) after school are to have their lunch in school. They should not leave the school premises before their dismissal from the planned school activities or CCAs. |
D. Hazardous items and safety of self and others
D1 |
All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which is used or intended to be used to cause harm to others. |
D2 |
Any object that may compromise the safety of self and others should not be brought to school. Some examples include metal ruler, sharp-pointed object, cutter (pen-knife), matches, lighter and hazardous chemicals. Students found to be in possession of such items will have their items confiscated and will be subject to disciplinary consequences. Confiscated items will only be returned to parents/guardians. |
E. Hazardous items and safety of self and others
E1 |
The usage of all mobile electronic devices (e.g. mobile phones, iPods, iPads, tablets or laptops, smart watches etc.) during school hours and CCA time is restricted and should only be used under direct teacher supervision for educational purposes. |
E2 |
Students are only allowed to use their mobile phones/smartwatches at the area outside the General Office, after school hours. |
E3 |
The devices will be confiscated if the above-mentioned rules are breached. These items will only be returned to parents/guardians. |
E4 |
Students must be responsible for the use and safekeeping of their electronic devices. These devices are the sole responsibility of the owners and the school bears no responsibility for their loss or damage. |
F. Loan of Library materials
F1 |
Students have to ensure they return library books by the due date. Students may return the library books via the book drop located outside the library. Students with outstanding book loans will not be able to borrow any library items until they are duly returned. All books are to be returned in Term 4 before the start of the school holidays in November. |
F2 |
In the event of any lost/damaged books, students will report the loss of any library books immediately to the librarian and make appropriate reparation. |